Get involved


Join hands with hundreds of passionate, resolute donors who are moved to end the devastating cycle of poverty and suffering for so many. A changed life starts with you.

Girl with a child on her back

Get involved


Join hands with hundreds of passionate, resolute donors who are moved to end the devastating cycle of poverty and suffering for so many. A changed life starts with you.

Maize Donation
Boy praying
Learners helping with Donations

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill donation. This is you making your mark in history.

By donating to us, you’re putting your hand up for better futures for impoverished children, empowered and enriched communities, sustainable food sources and restored lives. In a world plagued by overwhelming circumstances, bad news, and politics, you can bring hope to humanity. You can change the narrative. You can have a direct hand in writing someone’s good news.

Children and parent with bucket of food

Ways to Donate



Love Story Business Account
Branch code: 261050
Acc no: 62408595207
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: Donation


Monthly Debit Order

Love Story is a registered PBO and is able to issue a Section 18A Tax Exemption Certificate for any donations made whether it be material goods or finance.

To sign up as a monthly donor please fill in the Debit Order Authorization Form and send it back to us.



Love Story Zapper code


PayPal Donations

To make a once-off donation via PayPal, please click on the following link:


Global Giving

GlobalGiving makes it easy and safe for you to give to Love Story from anywhere in the world.



Drop Offs

Donations can be dropped off at our office at 2 Glen Street, Richmond Hill. We welcome donations of food, clothing, toys, books, as well as household supplies.

Donor Feedback

“Approx. two years ago, I was looking for a company to host a drive with for a Christmas project and upon approach Love Story just stood out. Their excitement for the project was so amazing and after meeting with them, and learning how much more they actually do for the community we hit it off on the spot.

From initiating a December community drive, we also agreed to become their partner for all transport requirements. We love the energy that they put into every project they tackle and the absolute passion they have for the communities.

We are proud to be affiliated with such an amazing organisation and we Love every event that we can be part of with them!”

Mari Joshua – Pickfords Removals SA

Donor Feedback

“It has been a driving force in my life to support and contribute towards the Love Story projects! It gives me great joy knowing that a simple act of kindness brings others alive. Through Love Story, I feel connected to the people I give to. I will continue to be involved with Love Story in spreading love to those that need it the most.”

Chubekile Ntloko

Donor Feedback

“We have always loved the generous heart behind Love Story and their faithfulness in serving people. It is a wonderful blessing to be able to both support Love Story financially and also practically, as we drop off items and goods from the CG congregation which are always received with so much appreciation and enthusiasm. We know that no matter how big or small the contribution, the Love Story Team will use these items to serve, bless and love-on the people in need, in our beautiful city.”

Wendy Heasley – Covenant Grace Church

Donor Feedback

“Everything we have and everything we do is only by the grace of God and we praise Him for the talents that he has given us! We are only attempting to use our talents to serve Him. We are so happy, and I truly feel blessed that we are able to help.

Our Dojo ‘Nintai-Ryoku Dojo’ is such a place of fellowship and motivation. We train together and we pray together. We need to establish ‘Giving’ into the structures of our lives. This is what we tried to achieve with Nintai-Ryoku. We don’t charge a fee, but we accept donations that are then used to support Love Story.

We love Love Story and thank you for what you are doing.”

Pieter Du Randt